Quick Blog Updates
Thought I would update you on the blog hiccups I told you about in my last post!
Blog Updates - greytoz.com
So email is fixed, as well as Bloglovin. Everyone has been transferred over to the new lists! That was a relief!
I'm still working on switching out the old links so they direct back to my new blog domain.
A big issue that remains outstanding are the old Disqus comments. This is actually my 3rd time to transfer from one domain to another, and in the process of trying to transfer this last time something went wrong. All my old domains are directed to the new greytoz.com, so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it or not. Anyway, I chatted with support and it looks like the only way I can get them back is to individually map out all the URL links. And there are a lot. Several thousand at least because most posts have at least 2 old URL's and many even have 3. On the bright side, if I had been a more prolific author that number could easily be double, triple or more!
So, yeah LOL! I did about a hundred and that was tedious. Plus I'm not sue if it'll even work. In theory it should, but in theory what I already tried was supposed to as well!! I might just roll with starting the comments from scratch. I hate to lose all those great discussions and information though, so I haven't completely made a decision yet. Plus I feel like they are a great resource for anyone else who might have similar thoughts.
Within the whole switching over process, any comments made in the last several weeks have been lost as well. I'm really sorry for this entire comment mess, especially if you didn't get a chance to see my latest responses - and I did respond to all of them, I promise.
That's the latest! Mainly I wanted to apologize for the no comments situation - I'm really sorry. I'm not sure if it makes a difference to most of you ha ha! But I wanted to mention it anyway.
I hope you all have a restful, relaxing and/or fun Sunday coming up!!! xoxo