Same Blog, New Name! — Grey to Z

***Formally the Gummy Vision blog***

I'm a lady in her 40's who loves her beauty products! No makeup makeup is my game & pretty packaging gets me every time, though I'm willing to forgive that with skincare (but only if the product is effective!). 

I'm a Stewardess who prefers quiet spaces and places, but I could talk all beauty all the time! Please enjoy your visit!

xoxo Keala

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Same Blog, New Name!

Same Blog, New Name!

Welcome to Grey to Z!! 


Don't worry, it's the same Gummy Vision content (well ok, perhaps I'm going to try a few new things like the bag review in my post earlier today ha ha!)...just a different name. The layout is the same. Visually I just changed the logo, some fonts, colors and my profile pic.

I've wanted to change things up for a long time...years, really. I chose Gummy Vision way back when because I could not come up with anything else, and at the time it seemed ok - my main priority was just starting a blog already lol. Fast forward to the last few years...I was never sure if the names I liked were right, or if I'd lose readers. After some inspirational time spent with my family last night, I came home and just went for it. Consequences be damned LOL! Or more rightly, consequences just be dealt with as they come. 

I've been really happy with the layout, so it was mostly a matter of tweaking a few things visually & content-wise. 

That's where the fun stopped ha ha! I had checked a few months ago to see if the name I chose had all the social media available, and it did. But between that time and last night, welp...not so much. Twitter was first - changed that to @greytoz. Then Snapchat was next - same name available. Then Instagram and Facebook were NOT available. So @gretytozblog it was. Changing Twitter to @gretytozblog was no problem, but Snapchat I had already posted about the new account and I didn't want to say oh no wait just kidding! much as I was saying before how much I didn't like Instastories as opposed to Snapchat, I've had to eat my words. With all the updates it's pretty much the same as Snapchat, plus it's all in one place and you don't have to switch apps for basically the same content that people would post to Snapchat. I've attempted to do both, but it's a real struggle to make different content for each. So...if you currently follow me on Snapchat, just know that I'll probably end up abandoning it in favor of Instastories except for chatting with people and viewing others' Snaps!! Not that I really post that often, but LOL you know!

Then I'm having issues migrating my to email. And then there are some Bloglovin issues (that was part of the test post earlier). I'm not all that computer savvy - just barely know the basics - so figuring it out on my own hasn't been super successful. But I've sent emails out, and hopefully things will get resolved within the next week. 

For now though, all email & Bloglovin subscriptions will show that they still come from 

Soooooo...what's with the name, Grey to Z???? I didn't want people to expect beauty only content with a beauty specific name. I wanted it to be more, if you will, as much as that term is being overused ha ha. Grey, because...well...I'm now a lady in her 40's with lots of gray hair. I figured I should embrace and celebrate the aging process!! And Grey vs. Gray because grey is the European spelling and just seemed more fancy😬

Sorry for the probably way more explaining than was needed, but sometimes you just gotta get it out ha ha! Thank you ahead of time for being patient with the admin issues and future tweaking. At some point I should probably get a professional to design the blog, but at the moment it's money I'd rather spend on other things. 

Thank you all so much!!!! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!!

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What's in My Bag & Review: Gucci Soho Disco

What's in My Bag & Review: Gucci Soho Disco