Beauty Thoughts V
Over the past few months, various blog posts of different subject matter have inspired me to do this:
- I'd like to take a moment to recognize anyone out there who has a blog or YouTube channel or something similar where they put themselves out there. To those of you who do it because you love it, who do it because you want to share information, who do it because of the friendships you've all of you guys, with 1 subscriber or 10,000+...THANK YOU for doing what you do!!! There really is something out there for everyone, and I'm grateful to have so many options to choose from!!
- all the trolls out there...STOP messing with my friends and favorite bloggers!!! Shame, shame, shame on you. These people work hard, most have full time jobs and families or other obligations, and we should simply be grateful they choose to share their time and thoughts with us. It takes more energy to be mean than nice, so please just be nice...or hey, don't leave a comment at all!
To swing things around to more beauty specific thoughts...let's do a little exercise...don't worry, it's not the treadmill or Pure Barre kind :-) And as a side note, all the pictures in this post are unfiltered and unedited.
Beauty Thoughts V -
Sent this to my Husband to say good night, because we have a running joke about my pink-fuzzy-robe or PFR for short. And yes, we actually do say PFR lolol!!
At first I thought, hey!! This is a pretty good pic!! Lipstick looks good, skin looks pretty darn great, and where the heck did all those grays hide themselves and why can't they do that EVERYDAY?!!! And yeah...loving my cheekbones here!
Then, of course I scrutinize the picture more closely. A LOT more closely. And here's what I come up with...
Beauty Thoughts V -
Let's look at another pic. As a backstory, my friend Maggie and I have a running joke that every single picture she takes - whether in the dressing room trying to get help choosing a dress or a day at Disneyland - shows her with a pout. We've dubbed it the Maggie Pout. So sometimes I'll send her a Gummy Pout pic just to be funny! And that is what's below...
Beauty Thoughts V -
Except for the pout or duck lips or whatever you want to call them, at first glance I was like, Oh I like this!! Pretty good no makeup makeup, skin looks good and eyebrows are in check!!
Upon closer inspection, let's see what happened...
Beauty Thoughts V - point is...we are all quite capable of criticizing ourselves and don't need any help!! Why do we do this to ourselves and each other??? Why can't we just be kind to our faces, bodies and those of others?!!! I don't know the answer...
With all these rambly, bambly and potentially incoherent thoughts I'll leave you with this...
Beauty Thoughts V -
...this glorious picture of me as I type up this post ha ha! Yup. THAT'S what I look like most of the time when I'm home. Crazy hair. No makeup. Contemplating if Doritos or chips and salsa sounds better as a snack. Slightly dreading going back to work because I just want to sleep. Thinking about quitting sugar but not really wanting to. Knowing I should go workout but not too into that at the moment either. Really wanting to get a new swimsuit but knowing I don't need one because the ones I have are in perfectly good shape. And still thinking about how AMAZINGLY delicious my afternoon coffee was...Nutter Butters dipped into instant Starbucks Italian Roast with 1 Truvia and 3 French Vanilla creamers...seriously...SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!!!! Wait. I'm supposed to be thinking about quitting sugar, right???
Love you guys!!! Thanks for letting me blather again!!! xoxo