Soooo...I Turned 40...
Yep. It happened!!
These days, I don't think 40 is really that old. 100 years ago it was ancient and I would probably have grandkids by now! But it's not 100 years ago. And I don't have grandkids. I don't even have kids!
Me & Mr. G -
These 2 faces pretty much sum up my all my reactions and feelings to now being 40:
- Uh, did you say something??? Because I can't hear you. No, really...I can't hear.
- Actually I can hear. Mostly I'm choosing to ignore you and feigning ignorance.
- My knees hurt, and I think I'm getting arthritis.
- All this grey hair!!! Yikes. It looks pretty bad in this picture, but what can I say. That's real life. Sometimes it looks great and sometimes it looks like this! Constant struggle between wanting to dye the shit out of it and wanting to stay the course. Is it bad when your family tags you on Facebook to articles that talk about how grey is trendy among the younger crowd???
- Speaking of stuff hips hurt too. I need to get back into exercising. I was in the workout room for 45min today!!! That's a start!!! Anyone on the Nike apps wanna be friends?!! BTW I was on the row machine and lasted 6 min before my muscles were Claire Underwood moment!
Yikes...that all sounds so dire! LOL! But truth be told, being 40 feels pretty darn good!!
Over the last few years, I've come to a point where I don't feel like I need to go out and take charge of the world. Not that I ever really felt like that, but I think society likes to tell us if we don't have a burning desire to go out and conquer, attain or acquire with a passion that we might as well curl up and disappear...that if we don't have a deep passion for something that we most certainly have to spend our lives searching for it. I call BS.
What's wrong being happy with simply being??? I say there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
I've never had tons of ambition to go out and accomplish great things. Of course, there have been lots of things I wanted to do...still are things I'd like to do...but nothing I feel I HAVE to do. I'm really happy with my little life - my Husband, my family, working and coming home to binge watch Netflix or spending time with my beauty stash. I love being quiet and watching the trees blowing in the wind through my windows. Beauty in laughter. Beauty in stillness. That's what I've found.
Of course, I absolutely appreciate people who do have great passions and talents - we need them!!! But just as much as we need passionate people, we also need people who aren't always searching...people who are happy with what they have right now :-)
xoxo Gummy