It's time for another Return To Sender post!!! I've done quite a bit of shopping since the last round, and unfortunately not everything has worked out. For those that didn't catch the first post in the series (HERE), it's where I show the things that did not work out and I either returned or the items are sitting in the purge or blog sale pile (because they can't be returned).
This isn't meant to be a review of each product, but rather a quick blurb about why I didn't like them. If you are like me and are as interested to see why someone returns a product as much as why they buy it, then this post is for you!!
Tatcha Gold Camellia Nourishing Lip Balm
Couldn't stand the smell.
Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Pressed Powder
This was just a powder, and I didn't find anything different or special about it that would make it such a $$$ powder. Once applied it looked like I had just powdered my face…nothing more, nothing less.
But it looks like Koh Gen Do has reformulated this and reintroduced it under the same name. The new version is a two-tone powder with a description that sounds like all of those light reflecting powders that have been storming the market. The new version might be worth a shot, but this one fell flat.
Clayspray Glow Red Clay Masque with Cacao
I used this once and it was made my face feel so dry and uncomfortable that I had to wash it off before the time allotted on the directions.
Clayspray Comfort H2O with Green Tea
I think I liked this?? But the spray nozzle it is atrocious…leaks EVERYWHERE. And since it's got green tea, that means it also has a color similar to green tea so when it leaked it would get all over my clothes and the bath mat at the sink. I think it's worth another try if I can be assured it won't leak again???
Koh Gen Do Moisture Spa Gel
Tried this a few times and it required too much work and layering on my part to get it to be even remotely moisturizing, despite the product description.
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Giorgio Armani Sheer Blushes in 2, 6, 10
Even outside I had a hard time taking a picture that captured the true beauty of these colors…so this pic is just to give somewhat of an idea of what they looked like ha ha!! Anyway…despite the beautiful colors I did not like the formula at all. Soft…yes. Silky…yes. But I feel as though they merely sat on my skin and looked kind of powdery.
Rodial White Brightening Cleanser
I can't even explain why, but something about this cleanser felt all wrong. Sorry…I have to leave it at that.
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Click image to enlarge
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Diffused and Ethereal
I guess I'm a glutton for punishment, because I tried these when they first came out and didn't like them at all (review HERE). But so many people love them and keep raving about them that I decided to try them in different colors. Still didn't like them, and they made my skin feel dry. And with these 2 colors…eh…didn't do anything for me at all.
The Body Shop Vitamin C Energising Face Spritz
I actually did like the little moisturizing boost this gave, but ACK!!!! When I would spray this on my face I could taste it on my lips and it was gross.
Chanel Holiday 2013 Ombres Matelassees De Chanel
I posted this on Instagram when I first got it, and was really excited. Please note, the above swatches are heavily applied, and didn't look anywhere near this intense once applied on my eyes. Viewing from the palette, the left 3 lighter shades (bottom 3 arm swatches) didn't look that different from each other on my eyes. The 2 darker shades were pretty, but nothing that made me go oooooh…aaaaah…or wow! And the pigmentation on the darker shades wasn't quite there. I was annoyed by the colors because in the pan they look gorgeous!
The formula was really nice though…soft…silky…buttery…but slightly powdery so I had to tap my brush off a bit before applying. I guess the main point is that this is a very neutral palette, with soft colors that can be layered for a more dramatic effect. Maybe my problem is I don't want to have to work so hard to make something work??
I returned this because at the time I couldn't justify an $80 palette with 5 supposedly different colors that in the end really weren't all that different from each other (at least on my eyes). So I returned. But now I'm lamenting a bit because this keeps getting amazing blogger reviews. I keep second guessing myself, wondering if I just didn't give it enough time? Did I not mix the colors enough to make them look good? Was I just being lazy and should be willing to work it more??
This one I might end up swatching again at the counter…and please don't fault me if I decide to like it enough to buy again! LOL :-)
Not pictured is the Laura Mercier Artist's Palette For Eyes 2013. I returned this before taking pictures. I saw a few YouTube videos and reviews that made this thing look amazing (especially for the price). Once it was in my hands though, with the exception of a few colors, most of the colors just didn't rock my boat…I didn't even swatch most of them, nor try them out.
Also not pictured are a few items I returned because I didn't like the color, but liked everything else about them. I plan on getting them in the correct shade and will do an actual review on them later.
Have you returned anything lately??