Counter Swatches: Tom Ford Fall 2015 - Complexion Enhancing Primers in Pink & Peach & Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in Moodlight
UPDATE: Please see review of the Complexion Enhancing Primer (& swatches) and Illuminating Powder in Translucent Pink, HERE.
Hi, guys! Last night I watched THIS (start at 10:40) haul video from Tarababyz, where she talks about Tom Ford Fall 2015. She didn't have the whole collection, but did get the Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in Moodlight and the Illuminating Powder in Translucent Pink. After hearing her description of the powder I knew it was something I really wanted to check out, as I have been eyeing the original color for quite some time!
I looked on Nordstrom online & they didn't have the full Fall line yet, but they did have the powder & the Complexion enhancing primer I've been curious about. I'm actually in Pentagon City, Washington, D.C. now & was so excited and surprised to see the Nordstrom @ Pentagon City Mall has a Tom Ford counter & both items were actually in stock!! When I talked to the SA, he said it's the only Nordstrom on the East Coast with a Tom Ford counter...what luck!!! He also said Bergdorf & Neiman always get items about a month before they do, so that's good to know.
I ended up getting the powder & primer (in pink). He also gave me a sample of the peach primer. I'll be using those soon, so look for the reviews! For now, here are some counter swatches of the Complexion Enhancing Primers and Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in Moodlight... thought I would go ahead and post them because when I Googled for swatches there weren't many I could find.
Part of Tom Ford Fall 2015 -
Below are the Complexion Enhancing Primers in Pink (left) and Peach (right). The SA said Pink is more for lighter skin tones, while Peach is for darker skin tones.
Tom Ford Fall 2015: Complexion Enhancing Primers in Pink (left) and Peach (right) -
Below is the Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in Moodlight.
Tom Ford Fall 2015: Skin Illuminating Powder Duo in Moodlight -
Have you tried anything yet from Tom Ford Fall 2015?? Is there anything you have your eye on?!