Updated Makeup Storage
Back in February, I showed you guys how I stored my makeup. You can catch up on that post, HERE.
Lately I've been having fits of sorts trying to figure out how I can use more of what I already have, rather than buying another something to sit and gather dust until I decide a year later to purge it. At the moment I feel like I have a collection I LOVE...the next step is to actually USE it!
I'm not talking about a pan project or anything like that. I'm simply talking about getting to a state of less makeup consumption, and being able to read/watch/view reviews/videos/social media more objectively rather than as OH-MY-GAWD-I-NEED-THAT-WHEN-CAN-I-ORDER-IT. It's always a battle. Sometimes I feel like I have somewhat of a handle on it, then oh hey...so and so is releasing such and such and lookie how pretty it is!!! It's a whole Golum-Preciousssssss relationship...I see pretty, I ruuuuuunn!!! *insert wide-eyed, Golum eyes here!!*
But you know this because I've mentioned it and talked about it on the blog often enough. And I think a lot of you know exactly what I mean! It's that forever beauty lovers' struggle!
Sooooo...to get back to the point of this post...
Though I've always kept my makeup tucked away in drawers and whatnot, over the last week I've been thinking that I'd like to try having at least some of it out and visible. My hope is that if I can immediately see it (YES opening a drawer is apparently a hindrance LOL!!), then I'll use more of what I already own. Also hopefully, if I can immediately see what I have, it'll help deter some purchases. And hopefully all that will help me find a way back to a somewhat more simple makeup life :-)
I scoured vanity setups. Muji-type acrylic organizers seem to be the most popular and functional. I don't have access to Muji and looked for similar organizers from The Container Store, Nordstrom and Sephora. Is it just me or is that stuff expensive??? Plus, I still had all the acrylic boxes that I was using to organize my drawers. Then I had an idea!!
After a whole lot of shuffling, reorganizing and a little purging around my beauty space...here's what I ended up doing...
***All items purchased by me, received as a gift or received as a GWP. Links are non-affiliate. This is not a sponsored post.***
Updated Makeup Storage - gummyvision.com
I went from this 5 drawer dresser (please excuse the equipment stuff that ended up in the pics!)...
Updated Makeup Storage - gummyvision.com
...to this 6 shelf Hemnes bookcase from IKEA!! it doesn't take up much room, yet still has enough space that I can reconfigure and organize to my heart's content without having the height restrictions of the drawers. Sounds like a weird thing to mention, but I really like that products such as pencils and foundation bottles can stand upright!
I already had the bookcase, but was using it to store books, magazines, brushes and other random bits. So I did a big shuffle/reorganization and voila! Now all my makeup is out in the open!! At first glance I thought having it out looked a little messy, but Mr. G came in and said hey it looks like your own little makeup store! Ever since then I really love it, and the functionality has been even better than I thought it would be.
I was deciding on what products to bring on my last work trip, and WOW it was sooooooo easy because I could actually see it ALL!! Then I ended up changing my mind a few times, and putting products back and taking others out was such a breeze. It was also a really good reminder of what I own.
Breakdown of the shelves:
1. Returns, wipes that I take when I swatch in store, makeup bags that need to be wiped down or washed.
2. Brushes - ones in the blue sparkle jar need to be washed.
3. Products to be tested, photographed, swatched. Fragrance samples.
4. Makeup - foundation, powder, primer, blush, concealer, bronzer, highlight, lips.
5. Makeup - eyes
6. Current rotation of makeup bags (rest of them are kept elsewhere) - yes, I have somewhat of an obsession with makeup bags and pouches ha ha!
Below is a closer look at what's on each shelf (not pictured are items still from my work trip and other random places)...
Updated Makeup Storage - gummyvision.com
Updated Makeup Storage - gummyvision.com
I'm pretty darn excited at all the prospects, and love looking at my little makeup store anytime I want :-) I'll keep you updated if this helps with the makeup consumption cycle!