All tagged New In

New In

Hi, guys!!! Sorry I've been was an unintended absence filled with family stuff and more work than usual! It's nothing bad, just a lot more time consuming and stressy than normal (and my life is generally not filled with stress!!!) so my head was anywhere but blogging ha ha! Hopefully things are back to normal, and I can resume my regularly irregular blog schedule :-P

Instead of jumping back into the blog pool with some long winded reviews or Empties post (those will be later LOL), thought I would start off easy by showing you some new beauty goodies I have yet to try!

New In: May 2015

So this is what I ended up with, vs. the entirety of what I purchased. There was more, but some things were returned right away or purged for various reasons so I didn't include them. The few items not pictured but that I thought warranted mentioning I talked about in THIS post.