Tag: 7 Things I've Learned From Beauty Blogging
I was tagged by Anne @ Rushing Glam to write the 7 Things I've Learned From Beauty Blogging. Please see her post HERE, and Belly's post HERE. This is one of the hardest tags I've done, mostly because I'm not sure I've learned anything different or feel any different than every other blogger out there?? Nonetheless, as I've been thinking and thinking and thinking about what I've learned, one thing rings true...even if we all feel the same things, it helps to talk about it and get it all out there!! Oh, and I took the liberty...these are things I've learned not just from blogging itself, but also from my beauty journey in general :-)
1. No matter how many sweet and amazing and beautiful bloggers I meet, most people still don't know what a blog is.
And when I explain what a blog is, they still look at me with a head tilt. And when I explain it's a beauty blog...oh goodness...that's when the glazed eye look comes on. It just seems strange that the blog takes so much effort, time, energy, etc. and yet no one knows what it is! I mean, if I told people I like to go spelunking or surfing or have a YouTube cooking show they'd totally know what I was talking about and we might even have a shared interest. But blogging...EH, WHAT DID YOU SAAAAAAY?????
2. As my beauty journey changes, so does my blog and so does my preference for the type of content I like to read on other blogs.
I used to be mostly concerned with pictures and swatches, but now I'm more focused on the actual written content and personality of the blogger. I want to know that the person behind the computer isn't merely a PR machine, and actually cares about what they are putting into the beauty universe and not just pumping out the the same ol' stuff. And I like posts that make me think about my own beauty habits and life in general :-)
3. I'm never caught up and I need to be ok with that!
I know I'm definitely not the only one that has this problem, but I feel like I'm perpetually behind in testing things and getting posts and reviews up. It's gotten to the point where I don't even call it getting behind anymore...this is just how things ARE! Ha ha!
4. Once in awhile, take a break.
That whole stop and smell the roses thing...I need to do that once in awhile with both blogging and from the everyday! It's way too easy to get caught up in the routine of life and I need to remember to take a break...some quiet time. No blogging, no social media, no work!
5. This.
6. Life is too short to not get the lipstick or blush or nail polish you've been lusting after for months!! Just do it already!
Yes, that is all :-)
7. Makeup tools are important too.
Before I started reading blogs, blogging myself and exploring different application techniques, I thought makeup brushes were mere instruments to slap product on. Oh boy, was I wrong. Tools can make a huge difference - it's one of those things where you don't know until you find the right one...and at that point it becomes more than just applying makeup...it's an experience!
Would you like to share anything you've learned from blogging or reading blogs or from your own beauty journey??
Thank you Anne!!!
xo Gummy