
***Formally the Gummy Vision blog***

I'm a lady in her 40's who loves her beauty products! No makeup makeup is my game & pretty packaging gets me every time, though I'm willing to forgive that with skincare (but only if the product is effective!). 

I'm a Stewardess who prefers quiet spaces and places, but I could talk all beauty all the time! Please enjoy your visit!

xoxo Keala

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Return To Sender V

Welcome to another edition of Return To Sender, where I recap what I've returned lately and why! 


Bumble and Bumble Thickening Dryspun Finish - I've been trying to get a handle on that perfectly imperfect, slightly purposefully messy look and was hoping this product would help. I did like that it didn't feel heavy, but ultimately it helped me achieve the look I wanted for about 5.2 seconds. A slight dusting of hairspray worked better. But I also have heavy hair, so there's that ha ha! 

Bobbi Brown Full Coverage Face Brush - This was another Vivianna Does Makeup and Lily Pebbles induced purchase. They rave about it and have used it in a lot of videos lately, so of course I wanted it! Plus I loved that they also buffed out concealer and it seemed to work beautifully. I didn't like it at first, then liked it more the second time around, found it ok the third time and by the fourth time I was done. It is super duper soft, I'll give it that! But I felt like it just kind of would glide over my skin vs. really getting into the product if that makes any sense? Plus it could get a little streaky at times and then it was more about working the streaks out rather than blending the foundation in. It wasn't terrible, but I love my Tom Ford Foundation Brush so much more. 


Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush Palette - Just yesterday I posted on Instagram about the blush, asking what people thought about it. I also admitted to buying this on hype, not wanting to feel left out, the fact that there's a Limited Edition color in the palette...oh, yeah...and that thing I have about not being able to quit the Ambient Lighting Powders in general (but hey, I recently sold 2 of them in my blog sale so maybe there's hope for me yet?!!!). The colors were ok on me, but nothing amazing just like the first time round *crickets*. I guess I also wanted to try it because I knew it would be great for traveling. Ultimately I was smacked back into reason when Jennifer so kindly reminded me in an email, 

"I saw you bought that blush palette :3 BAD!"

And yes that's a direct quote! LOL!! So I took it back today. Thanks, Jennifer!!!

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion Anti-Aging - Didn't work. At all. 


Deborah Lippman in Dream Weaver - I absolutely loved this in the bottle, but once on my fingers it was nice but not love. In most light it ended up looking more green (unlike in this pic) than the dark purple and it also wasn't very glossy even with a glossy top coat. 

And that's about it! How about you...have you made any returns lately??


Holiday Giveaway 2014

Swatched: Charlotte Tilbury Cheek To Chic In First Love